About Addie Jane

I was welcomed into this world on June 14, 2010.Mommy always told me I was going to be loved by lots of people because our family was so big. . boy was she right! I have meet so many Aunts, Uncles, Cousins & Special friends since my arrival. My family is split between NC and MI, so Mommy helped me make this blog so everyone can watch me grow!!


6 Weeks Old

July 26th, 2010
10 lbs. 1 oz. & 21 inches

Matthew 21:6

"From the lips of children and infants, you have ordained praise."

All though I may not speak, my smiles & laugh will praise My Creator.

My First Horse Ride

My Great Unle Jerry has two horses. He called my mommy and memaw and had them bring me up so I could ride on "Red". I had so much fun, can't wait to ride "Red" again! (with Uncle Jerry's help of course)


Happy One Month!

I love to smile and laugh.
Milk is my favorite food.
I love to cuddle.
I am already holding my head up.
I also enjoy relaxing in the bath tub.
I enjoy listening to my daddy play the drums at church.
Sometimes I make noises like different animals.
Elephant and Tiger noises are my favorite.
It's really fun to watch everyone make funny faces at me!
One thing I do not like is crinkle noises.
(like a chip bag, or some one balling up paper <- Uncle Adam! )
I move my legs alot and push off of anything I can get my feet on.
I can't wait to start crawling!!!

NC Visit

I went to NC to visit Mommy and Daddy's Family and Friends.
There were so many people there who loved to hold me and love on me!
I can't wait for all of our visits to NC, we had so much fun.
Hopefully next time it is not as hot!


Daddy's Little Girl

" I thought you looked like an angel, Wrapped in pink, so soft and warm
You've had me wrapped around your finger, Since the day you were born"

Happy 4th!!

I watched the firework show from inside the house!
Nate, KC & Amber did a great job!
This is my cousin Jessica! She is the first great grandchild and I am the 4th on the Stanifer side. We are the only girls! She liked to look at me and she even held me once!

It was such a tiring day, so many people, so much food, so much excitement.
I decided to take a break on mommy's lap!

July 3rd, 2010

Mommy and Me getting ready to go see the fireworks @ Great Uncle Dennis and Great Aunt Lynn's House!
(Zane Tyler saw the same ones too!)


My First Bath!

July 2, 2010
I had my first bath!!! Mommy washed me while dad filmed the whole event.
I didn't cry, but was unsure at first if I liked the water, but after mommy put some on my belly and started washing me I enjoyed it!!! Near the end I started getting cold but daddy rescued me and kept me warm!

Great Aunt Arlene's Blanket

My Great Aunt Arlene made me this cute blanket!!
I have been cuddling with it on my boppy
Thanks!! Mommy and I both love it!