About Addie Jane

I was welcomed into this world on June 14, 2010.Mommy always told me I was going to be loved by lots of people because our family was so big. . boy was she right! I have meet so many Aunts, Uncles, Cousins & Special friends since my arrival. My family is split between NC and MI, so Mommy helped me make this blog so everyone can watch me grow!!


I Love to ROCK IT OUT!

From Addie Jane September

From Addie Jane September

From Addie Jane September

I Love My Hat & Da-Da

From Addie Jane September

From Addie Jane September

From Addie Jane September

From Addie Jane September

From Addie Jane September

I Love Taters! Can't You Tell

From Addie Jane September

August 2011

From Addie Jane August

From Addie Jane August

From Addie Jane August

August 2011

Momma took me to the play set a few times but I am not a fan!

We just go for walks and look at the differnt animals. I like the birds- I always talk
back to them by saying "Caa-Caa"
I like to wave at everone we pace on the riverwalk. Momma says to enjoy it because winter will be here before we know it!
I learned " Imma Little Teapot" and how to spin in cirlces!
When the song says "tip" I fall over- everyone always laughs!

Just Me - August 2011

From Addie Jane August

We Brush Our Teeth. .

From Addie Jane August

I love to brush my teeth! I have 7 teeth in this picture.
Right after bathtime I sit in the sink and mommy helps me brush my teeth!
Sometimes she even lets me take the tooth brush into my bedroom while we get things ready for the next day. I will sit in my crib and brush away- or chew- it makes cutting my molars a little easy when I can gnaw on the tooth brush!

From Addie Jane August


Monroe County Fair August 2011

From Addie Jane July 2011

OH MY! Did you see those cows!! Miss Hannah took me around the 4H Barn to see the animals! I think that cow liked my hand! Must have been all those green beans and grapes I was eating earlier! Miss Hannah and her Mom Miss Reda bought me the cute dress I have on for my Birthday! It has some country flair to it, dontcha think!

We walked around and looked at all the rides and food! I had my first Fair Dog and Fries!

July 2011

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July Was a Busy Month!
I loved to Play out side in my
cozy coupe and with my water table!
We celebrated the 4th of July with my cousin's on my dad's side &
we swam in the pool! Later that night I went out to the Biniecki's Farm
and watched fireworks! It was a blast!
Memaw came up the end of July and we had so much fun!
She even went with us to the fair!

I love to walk every where.
The Itsy Bitsy Spider is my favorite song to sing and sign!