About Addie Jane

I was welcomed into this world on June 14, 2010.Mommy always told me I was going to be loved by lots of people because our family was so big. . boy was she right! I have meet so many Aunts, Uncles, Cousins & Special friends since my arrival. My family is split between NC and MI, so Mommy helped me make this blog so everyone can watch me grow!!


Me & My BFF

Paige is my BFF.
We love to dress the same and lay on the play mat together.
Our Mommy's say we will be Friends for Life.
I hope so because we have so much fun!


Lil' Punkin' Baby

My first trip to the punkin' patch. . . as my mom says!
There were pumpkin's everywhere, they even had some animals.
The piggy's were my favorite. They make funny noises!
Can you find me??
I thought the piggy's were funny!


Happy Four Months!

October 14, 2010

14lb. 2oz & 23in.

Look at me! I am holding my head up really good!
Everyone tells me how strong I am!
I also love to roll over in the mornings!
I sleep on my tummy, so by the morning I am
ready for a new view.
Mommy and Daddy look so suprised to see me on my back
when they come to say Good Morning!
Bath time is still my favorite part of the day.
I splash so much Mom has to put my tub in her big tub
so I don't soak the kitchen floor!

I love to giggle, smile and "talk".
Me and Daddy love to see who can "talk" the loudest!
There is so many things happening around me and I love to sit and take it all in.
Lights, Sounds, Colors. . All of those are so interesting!
I hear Christmas is full of all them! I can't wait
My favorite thing to cuddle is my "Minnie". I take her everywhere!
(Thanks Cousin Shelly, Kaity and TayTay)

I gave up my paci, but sometimes I like to suck on a finger or two!
I am wearing 6 months clothes, but my pants are a lil' long.
(Have you seen my Mom? I think I may have this problem my whole life! )


Evening at Detroit Beach

Daddy took Mommy & I out to Detroit Beach.
It was just as sunset and Mommy got really excited
because she had her camera (of course)!
Look at the amazing photo's.
Mommy said God Painted it just for us!!
He is really awesome, since he can paint such pretty pinks and blues.


I love Hairbows

I Love Wearing Hairbows!
My mom has a drawer full of headbands, flowers, and bows.
Almost everyday she has one picked out and ready for me to wear!