About Addie Jane
I was welcomed into this world on June 14, 2010.Mommy always told me I was going to be loved by lots of people because our family was so big. . boy was she right! I have meet so many Aunts, Uncles, Cousins & Special friends since my arrival. My family is split between NC and MI, so Mommy helped me make this blog so everyone can watch me grow!!
June 14, 2011
I am 23lb 6oz & 31 inches long!
I am walking everywhere.
I love to clap my hands and dance!
I love to eat too!!
I am signing more and understanding what it means for
"more","eat" & "please"
I like to tickle feet and say " ickle ickle"
Can you believe I am ONE???
I wonder what all will happen this next year!
JUNE 2011
I took my 1 Year pictures at Uncle Jerry's Farm!
I loved the Baby Calves.
They followed me everywhere!