About Addie Jane

I was welcomed into this world on June 14, 2010.Mommy always told me I was going to be loved by lots of people because our family was so big. . boy was she right! I have meet so many Aunts, Uncles, Cousins & Special friends since my arrival. My family is split between NC and MI, so Mommy helped me make this blog so everyone can watch me grow!!


Beach Trip 2011

My First NC Beach Trip Highlights!

1. I loved to jump the waves- even if they hit me in the face!

2. I love to boogy on the dance floor! I left mom and ran out to the floor so I could get my groove on! Momma had to chase me around! I had a blast though!

3. I wanted to WALK everywhere! Toward the Ocean- On the Pier- All the way through Broadway at the Beach

4. If I wasn't walking- I jibber jabbered to everyone and anything!

5. I made freinds where ever I went!

6. Our Beach Neighbor would sing to us everyday! I loved to dance to that music too!

7. I learned to Sip from a straw- boy is this fun!

8. I like to get an 'attitude' with Uncle Adam

9. I say Coo-Caa for "cookie"

10. I can't wait to go back again!

Addie Janes NC Birthday Party!

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I celebrated my Birthday in NC on June 3rd!

I got to see all my family and friends.

I ate cookies- drank sundrop- and who knows whatelse!

I enjoyed reading all the cards!

Little did everyone know but I was very crabby all day long.

I had tooth number 5 trying to come in- but when the party started

I put on a smile and made it fun for all!

As you can see in one picture above at 9 o'clock- I was done!

No More Pictures Please!

Thank Y'all for coming by and seeing me and my family!

Momma and Dada says I am so blessed to be loved so much!

First Time Feeding Myself Taters!

Happy 11 Months!

May 14, 2011

I am starting to take more than 3 steps!

I love to jibber jabber.

Bath Time is still on my top 5!

I am doing very well with my signing-

"please" & "bite" are my new words

and I still do " more " all the time!

I am using a sippy cup very well not but still have a bottle

in the morning and at night!

Momma and Dadda say that I am a Mess. . . what do you think?

May 8th, 2011 - First Mother's Day